2.1 Society Member: the society member title as defined in the Constitution includes both males and females.
2.2 Board of Directors: means the Society’s Board of Directors elected by the Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly.
2.3 Expanded Meeting of the Specialist association or chapter: the total number of members of the Society of that association or chapter.
2.4 The Administrative Committee or Body of the Association or Chapter: means the Administrative Committee elected by the expanded meeting of the specialist association or chapter.
2.5 Association: an umbrella comprising all engineers of the same specialisation.
2.6 Chapter: an umbrella comprising all engineers working in a specific engineering discipline.
2.7 Quorum: The necessary number to make the meeting validly convened.
2.8 Absolute Majority: half the number of the active members plus one or more.
2.9 Simple Majority: half the number of active members present, plus one or more.