Article 20

The General Assembly is the highest authority responsible for determining the Society’s policy and supervising the implementation and application thereof to all the Society’s bodies, committees and members.

Article 21

The General Assembly shall consist of all of the members who have paid their subscriptions for the past year and have fulfilled their obligations in accordance with the Society’s Constitution and Bye-Laws.

Article 22

The General Assembly shall hold an ordinary meeting once a year during the first three months following the end of the Society’s financial year. Such a meeting shall be held at the Society’s Headquarters.

However, the Board of Directors may invite the General Assembly to convene at another venue.

The Board of Directors shall specify the time, date and venue of the General Assembly meeting. The Committee shall also prepare an agenda for the meeting. Members shall be notified at least two weeks before the date of the meeting. The General Assembly may consider items other than those of the agenda only with the approval of the majority of those present.

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