Article 52

Specialist engineers in a certain engineering or professional discipline or engineers who have been working for no less than one year in the same specialisation or discipline shall have the right to establish associations or chapters within the framework of the Bahrain Society of Engineers, each in their respective disciplines, according to the following requirements:

  1. The number of members in any of the engineering or professional specialisation shall not exceed fifteen members.
  2. The Board of Directors of the Bahrain Society of Engineers shall approve the establishment of associations or bonds after receiving a written application signed by those members.
  3. Each association or branch shall be given a name, as follows: The association or chapter (specialisation) of the Bahrain Society of Engineers.

Article 53

Associations and bonds shall be an integral part of the Bahrain Society of Engineers.

Article 54

Membership in the Society shall be a condition precedent for membership in the association or chapter. A member who forfeits membership in the Society for any reason whatsoever shall be deemed to have forfeited membership in the association or chapter.

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