Article 49
No amount may be disbursed from the Society’s funds without the approval of the Board of Directors and within the limits of the Society’s objects and in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the financial rules and regulations.
In an emergency, disbursement may be authorised by the Chairman without the prior approval of the Board of Directors provided that such disbursement, together with the supporting documents and the reason therefor, shall be reported to the Board of Directors at its first meeting.
Article 50
The Society’s property in kind or in cash, including the subscription fees, donations, contributions, etc., shall be the Society’s sole property. A Society member or any other person whose membership has been forfeited for any reason or his/here heirs may not have any claim thereto.
Article 51
Subject to the provisions of Article 47 hereof, the General Assembly shall designate an auditor from among auditors nominated by the Board of Directors. The General Assembly shall also specify the remuneration of such an auditor. However, in the first year of the Society, designation of an auditor shall be made by the members at their first meeting held in the form of a General Assembly.