Ref.: 01/ RS/ 2024
Date: 7th May 2024
Dear Member,
First Meeting:
Date: Monday, May 14, 2024
Time: 07.00 PM
Venue: BSE HQ
Quorum: Absolute Majority. If the quorum is not attained, the meeting will be postponed.
Second Meeting:
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Time: 7.00 PM
Venue: BSE HQ
Quorum: One Third of AGM qualified “Members” who completed minimum of 6 months since they joined BSE. If the quorum is not attained, the meeting shall be postponed to another one to be convened after at least half an hour. Such meeting shall be considered valid if 10% of the members are present.
1. Approval of the agenda.
2. Approval of minutes for last AGM.
3. Discussion of Board Activity Report on elapsed year.
4. Discussion of Financial Report.
5. Formation of Election Committee.
6. Electing President & Four members to the Board.
With best regards,
Mrs. Heyam Almaskati
Executive Secretary